We wanted to let you know about two Earth Week events happening this weekend.

Saturday is Lincoln’s virtual Earth Day. Here is a link to the event. Rev. Penny Greer, our board chair, is participating in the panel on Faith and the Environment at 10:45 a.m.

Here is a reminder of our invitation to view an inspiring film related to the climate crisis entitled The Human Element and join us for an online conversation about the film at 2:30 p.m. on Sunday April 26th.

We invite you to SIGN UP to get the link and password in order to view the film. A Zoom invitation for the discussion on Sunday April 26th at 2:30 p.m. will be sent tomorrow.

We need your continued support to educate and advocate to take action to address the climate crisis. If you are able to do so, please make a donation to help us continue our work.

You can donate online or by sending a check to

Nebraska Interfaith Power & Light
1327 H St., Ste. 300
Lincoln, NE 68508

Edison McDonald


Executive Director for the Arc of Nebraska, GC ReVolt Director of Government Affairs and Development, Road Warrior, Political Junkie, Always on a New Project